Our mental health determines our overall wellbeing, directly influencing productivity, our approach to life, the way we contribute to the community, and our ability to deal with everyday stress and challenges. When we are in a place of balance; we meet obstacles with enthusiasm and we strive to reach our full potential. When we are struggling, we are in survival mode and this can have a negative impact on our health, work and also influence those around us in the workplace. So how can we ensure that our team’s mental health needs are being met and are functioning at optimum?
Supportive environment
Having a hard day? Feeling unsettled or anxious? Encourage a work culture that shares feelings. When managers are able to share, it communicates to others that it’s normal to have bad days and talk about our emotions. When we are able to discuss our challenges with others, we can find solutions through talking things through or getting the support we need by offloading some work to team mates. Break the stigma around mental health and fight those feelings of isolation. We are all human and it’s natural to have down days.
Staff well-being scheme
If you want happier, healthier staff, then introducing a well-being scheme could be a great way to achieve this. It’s natural to want to feel valued, appreciated and fulfilled. Investing time and resources into this will not only benefit employees, it will also have a positive effect on productivity, staff retention and work culture. Create an initiative where your team directly benefits from looking after their well-being, be it through fitness challenges, informative and fun workshops, health checks and more.
Social events
Recreation is proven to reduce negative feelings and boost self-esteem and cognitive function. Having moments in the workplace where we can relax, laugh and connect to one another, fosters feelings of community belonging and builds bonds. Have regular planned social events and keep those good vibes going.
Sweat it out
Regular exercise can have an astonishing effect on our mood and stress levels. By implementing daily training, we can improve our sleep, improve memory and increase confidence. We are able to navigate through life with a healthy sense of determination when we are sweating it out daily. Here at JARS we use online wellbeing platform Heka to provide our teams with access to gym memberships and classes, as we understand the incredible physical and psychological benefits of exercise. Encourage your team to join a gym or use their lunch breaks to go on walks to break up the day and take in some nature.
Hybrid working
Consider implementing hybrid working so that your team have a degree of flexibility. Dividing time up between working at the office and working remotely, can allow for better work/life balance, avoiding the risk of burnout. Being in your own space helps you to approach the day at your own pace and incorporate nourishing morning rituals which calm and sooth such as yoga, meditation or even just a relaxing breakfast where you’re not rushing out the door. It’s important that we recognise these needs and help our employees feel seen, heard and above all; understood.