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Five Reasons You Should Work With a Recruitment Agency

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If you've had experiencing hiring you'll know this can be a very stressful and energy zapping process! After reading the 50th application and CV, they may all seem to sound the same and the thought of expending even more energy to interview the potentials can leave you feeling overwhelmed. So, why not hand the reigns over to the professionals? Engaging a specialist agency like James Andrews to take over can be a liberating feeling as we are the experts in matching our clients with professionals who closely match their criteria and are driven to get you the best result. So, what are the other benefits of working with us?


The sheer time it takes to sift through countless applications and CVs, arrange call backs, contact unsuccessful applicants and interview, can be all consuming. Your valuable time could be used elsewhere, rather than thinking of key interview questions to determine whether you really do have the right person for the job. By delegating this process to our team, you are more likely to get the right person and in quicker time too.

Quality candidates

We have a vast pool of pre-screened candidates, whose references have been checked by our team and can ensure that any person put forward for the role in question is of high calibre and a suitable candidate. No time is wasted. Having professionals on hand with a wide database and network connections within the industry, is invaluable. It also decreases the risk of a bad hire. Employing the wrong person for the role is a very real scenario. They may say all the right things in the interview, only to be completely out of their depth when things progress. This can be very frustrating and will set you back significantly in terms of time and cost.

Skill set

It may seem obvious, but our team are specifically trained to know the hiring market as well as how to communicate your business needs to a potential candidate. They will also come to you with a proven track record of matching up clients with new hires. Although you may excel in your role, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have what it takes to speed read CVs and come up with top candidates. And although you may find someone suitable, you may miss other crucial details such as whether they are a good cultural fit for your organisation.


So, you’ve found your dream candidate, the interview has gone very well, and things look promising as you send out the contracts; but unfortunately, things fall through during the negotiation process. This can happen if the candidate is not happy with the salary or benefits. It is our job to manage a client and potential employee’s expectations to ensure there are no surprises. With both parties aware of industry norms, there is a much better chance of a successful negotiation. Don’t let a great hire walk away over minor issues. Work with our team and let them us the hard work and find you the perfect fit for your team!